What’s Happening at Sandycove Acres
Home Owners’ Association

We will display the current year’s communications from the HOA

2024 – 2025


2024 – 2025 – What’s Happening at Sandycove Acres

This page contains the current resident’s newsletters, eBulletins, Minutes, Seminar Announcements and Forum Updates that have been published and distributed to the residents of Sandycove Acres Community. The Home Owners’ Association is proud to display the communications for the current year. A password is required for Members Only Forums, Minutes and Power Point Presentations from seminars.

The All Club Contacts list, Community Phone Directories and Above Guideline Increases (AGI’s) affect the entire Community and do not require a password. The Homeowners’ Association would like to encourage all residents to join the HOA and become a supporting member of our Community.

Previous years of the Resident’s Monthly Newsletters and the other communications are available in our archive pages.


September’s Newsletter – coming soon – click here

New Seminar Posted – Personal Safety – click here

August 18 Community Directory Updated – click here

eBulletin HOA VP & Website Replacement – click here

eBulletin Board Resignations Call for Members – click here

July 21 Community Directory Updated – click here

July 13, 2024 – Constitution & By-Laws – click here

July 13, 2024 – Added Google Maps – click here

July 12, 2024 – Community Directory Updated – click here

July 11,2024 – 2024-2025 Board of Directors – click here

July 9, 2024 – eBulletin HOA Ambassador – click here

July 2024 Newsletter –click here

June 22 2024 – Complaints Procedure – click here

June 2024 Newsletter – click here

June 30,2024 – Community Directory Updated – click here

eBullitin – LTB March 20 2024 – click here

LTB March 20, 2024 AGI Hearing – click here

Updated Community Telephone Directory – click here

AGM Nominating Chair ebulletin click here

March Newsletter – click here

HOA Upcoming Events – click here

Newsletter – April 2024 – click here

Medical Rides – New Numbers – click here


PLEASE NOTE: copies will remain on site.